things you
are proud of

Built by 2 Software Engineers to raise the standards of Digital Experiences
Our Story
I remember building a tic tac toe website in the first year of college. Required learning flexbox, css animations and many stack overflow searches. It’s been over 10 years of building web and mobile products, yet my last Chatgpt search was “How to center a div”
In that time frame, the number of apps on play store has increased from 400k to 3.7 Million. Most of them don’t even see hundreds of users. Why?
Because Nobody likes using the second best product
Think about the products you use everyday. Why don’t you use the cheaper alternatives out there? The bar of what a great product is, increases exponentially. It’s like Moore’s law of user experience. Building these delightful experiences is increasingly difficult and time prohibitive.
We started CodeParrot with a singular goal:
Help Developers build products they truly are proud of
Meet the duo

Do more with less
”Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later”. Great products are not created by huge teams. It's a few scrappy individuals who love what they are building.

Your product reflects
your personality
Are you detail oriented? Do you value how people perceive you? As said by Alan Cooper, if you want people to use your software, you should design it to behave like a likeable person
Development using CodeParrot AI